On 16 to 17 May 2008, the Kid Explorer's Nite or also known as KEN camp was organized by Petrosains with collaboration of PPMSB, Melaka. The event was participated by 40 kids from Sg Udang, Melaka. All of them were year 4 students. The prominent objective of the camp is to encourage the kids in their learning process of science and technologies subject in the school rather than to help them to improve their personal skills such as to build confident level, communication skills, time management and etc. The 2 days 1 nite event was held at Level 4, Petrosains.
On the first day, the participants have arrived at about 4.30pm, at the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC). They were brought up to the level 4 for registration matters. During this, the luggage placement also were handled by the camp facilitators. Once the registration matters have done, the itenary were followed by light refreshment and safety briefing in the camp area by Science Facilitator, Kamarul Anuar.
Sharp at 6.00pm, all of them were start doing their activities. For the start, their were divided into several group which is Helang, Kenari, Merpati, Merak and Enggang. The first activities is Ice Breaking. In this session they were given a task which is will help them to improve their communication skills among their group members.Sharp at 8.00 pm, Opening Ceremony were took placed. The opening ceremony were done by the representative from PPMSB. During this event, all the science facilitators, camp facilitators, and also the camp coordinators were introduced to the participants.
Before the nyte end, the participants were really enjoyed all the activities that have arranged by the camp coordinators. The other activities that were particpated by them were Science Show : Soda Pop Show and Math Wizard by Science facilitator, Mr Fakrin, and also Science Chef Hour by Science Facilitator, Miss Nancy. Besides that, they were also were represented with a science theater before sleep by the group of camp facilitators. The role play is about the important of recycle in our world. If not, the global warming will happen drastically and will give a bad impacts to our nature.
Before the nyte end, the participants were really enjoyed all the activities that have arranged by the camp coordinators. The other activities that were particpated by them were Science Show : Soda Pop Show and Math Wizard by Science facilitator, Mr Fakrin, and also Science Chef Hour by Science Facilitator, Miss Nancy. Besides that, they were also were represented with a science theater before sleep by the group of camp facilitators. The role play is about the important of recycle in our world. If not, the global warming will happen drastically and will give a bad impacts to our nature.
On the second day, all the participants woke up early in the morning. At 6.00 am, they started walking to Masjid As-Syakirin, KLCC, pray Suboh pray. Once they done, the day was started with light exercise@Energizer. The camp activities continue with group activities at the KLCC Park, which is nearby Masjid As-Syakirin. At the park the event were presenter by again Science Facilitator,Kamarul Anuar. The Don`t Drop The Glob! and Water War Game were organized by the facilitators.
Before the camp end, the participants were given opportunity to have a visit to Skybridge at KLCC and have the tour visit to the Petrosains. From the faces of the students, i've noticed that, all of them were happy participating the camp event they started to get tired. The camp were ended with the Xplorer's Award Ceremony@Closing Ceremony and the Chill Out Lounge.
The event were successfully done with a great and marvelous preparation by the camp and science facilitators. The event objective were achieved for short determination because most of them were give a great thumb for the feedback. Well done to the camp coordinator to Miss Ummu and Miss Raja Damia for arranging the great camp flow. A big congratulation to science and camp facilitators because manage to ensure the camp flow were done in smooth way without any unexpected tragedy.
Before the camp end, the participants were given opportunity to have a visit to Skybridge at KLCC and have the tour visit to the Petrosains. From the faces of the students, i've noticed that, all of them were happy participating the camp event they started to get tired. The camp were ended with the Xplorer's Award Ceremony@Closing Ceremony and the Chill Out Lounge.